
Showing posts from August, 2023

Period products shown to contain ‘forever chemicals’, new research shows

Some of our favourite period products could contain traces of ‘forever’ substances, according to a recently published study. What does this mean, and how concerned should we be? from Health | body+soul

Turns out paper straws aren’t a better alternative to plastic after all

While it is a unanimous fact that plastic is bad for the planet, new research has found that paper and bamboo straws are bad for our health. from Health | body+soul

Mindful lessons from a seasoned traveller

Mindful lessons from a seasoned traveller from Health | body+soul

Fish oil supplement claims don’t necessarily ring true, study finds

New research into the apparent health benefits of fish oil supplements has made a splash, warning consumers the supplement's multiple health benefits may indeed be exaggerated. from Health | body+soul

5 reasons dietitians are buying this budget-friendly superfood

Raise your mimosas everyone, we now have science-backed evidence proving oranges are the key to long-lasting health. from Health | body+soul

4 Foods To Help Reduce Stress And Anxiety

Four Foods To Help Reduce Stress And Anxiety at the grocery store. from Health | body+soul

Kim Kardashian is now promoting a $3850 full-body MRI scan

Goodbye prison reform, hello full-body medical imaging. Kim Kardashian is once again using her platform to promote important issues, so why are people calling her out? from Health | body+soul

Bigger breasts are a barrier to regular exercise, research finds

A recent study investigating how breast size impacts the exercise habits of women has discovered that those who’ve undergone breast reduction surgery are living healthier and more active lives. from Health | body+soul

‘My period gave me severe depression – every month’

For Ashleigh, overcoming her mental health struggles and the stigma attached was only half the battle. Now, she’s ready to raise awareness and inspire other women to do the same.   from Health | body+soul

Turns out blue-light blocking glasses might not reduce eye strain

Recent research has opened our eyes to the role blue-light glasses supposedly play in preventing macular degeneration and preventing eye strain. from Health | body+soul

Breast implants don’t need to rupture to cause illness

Breast implant illness has come to the fore in recent years, with the debilitating symptoms leading to an increased number of women having explant surgery. from Health | body+soul

Matildas coach Tony Gustavsson calls for increased funding

The millions invested in the English team showed heartbreaking dividends for Australia on Wednesday night and the Matildas coach wants to match them.   from Health | body+soul

What is ashwagandha and what exactly can it help with?

It’s the natural herb that’s going viral. Here’s everything you need to know about the supplement said to remedy a long list of problems.   from Health | body+soul

Why you shouldn’t ignore the ‘five-second’ rule

A food safety expert lifts the lid on the 'five second rule' and admits that while it's gross to consume food we've dropped on the ground, he's guilty of doing it himself. from Health | body+soul

PCOS diagnosis guidelines in Australia have changed – here’s how

With an updated 2023 guideline, Australia leads the charge in understanding, diagnosing, and treating Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). from Health | body+soul

How free skin check saved this woman’s life

When Kate walked into a free skin check appointment, she never expected to find a life threatening basal cell carcinoma – let alone two. from Health | body+soul

Research reveals the Australians most likely to die of cancer

Australia is often praised for its healthcare system, with access to treatments, education and support widely commended by neighbouring nations. But according to new research, wealth disparity across the country is putting certain Australians at risk. from Health | body+soul

Why female concussion is in the spotlight

Head knocks have made headlines in men’s sport for years, now, a new conversation has started. Here’s what you need to know. from Health | body+soul

Struggling to hit 10,000 steps? 4,000 is just as good

Scrambling to find the time or energy to hit 10,000 steps a day? Well according to new research, you might not have to. from Health | body+soul

Study reveals why you should never text while you’re walking

We all know our phones are a distraction, but new research suggests it’s not even safe to send texts while walking. from Health | body+soul

What the new Covid strain, dubbed Eris, means for you

A new coronavirus variant known as Eris is quickly becoming the dominant strain in other countries. Here is everything you need to know.  from Health | body+soul

Why you should go to sleep at the same time all week

Recent research has found a link between our sleep and our gut health, with our bedtime having a major knock-on effect when it comes to determining the rest of our health. from Health | body+soul

The US approves the first pill for postpartum depression

A new pill that’s proven to significantly reduce depressive symptoms postpartum has been approved for use in the United States. from Health | body+soul

Picking your nose could increase your chances of getting Covid

Your chances of contracting the virus are much higher than the average person if you pick your nose, recent research has found.  from Health | body+soul

Should DNA kits come with health warnings?

While at-home DNA testing kits are touted as a savvy solution for the genetically curious, research shows the findings can hit harder than expected. So, do manufacturers owe their customers a caveat? from Health | body+soul

MDMA and magic mushrooms have arrived to treat mental illness

Australian medical practitioners can now prescribe MDMA and psilocybin for the treatment of some mental health conditions. Here's everything you need to know. from Health | body+soul