This article is an installment of The Everyday Warrior series , a recurring column by retired Navy SEAL and best-selling author Mike Sarraille , featuring advice, key interviews, and tips to live a life of impact, growth, and continual learning. While we all strive to live a life of purpose and fulfillment, circumstances can often derail this noble pursuit. When times get tough, it’s easy to lose focus and forget about the bigger purpose. It’s during these moments when you need to remember: Life shouldn’t be viewed as something you win, but rather something you seek to live well. This concept— The Everyday Warrior Mindset— is a practical, no-quit mentality that’ll help you overcome life’s challenges and come out physically and mentally healthier, more knowledgeable, and resilient. It’s about leading fulfilling lives, despite where you start or where you’re at, focusing on what you can control, ignoring what you can’t, and positively impacting those around you....