Mark Wahlberg’s latest obsession is F45 Training , which has 400 studios in the U.S. and 1,200 worldwide. Every studio runs the same workout, so on any given day, you can be sweating with Wahlberg. “We focus on functional-based moments, like hip hinges, squats, overhead movements, things that cater to people in their everyday lives,” says Cory George, athletics director for F45 Training. There are three rotating categories of classes. They alternate between cardio and resistance from Sunday to Friday, and do a hybrid on Saturday. “We pride ourselves on never doing the same workout twice,” George says. As with any new group fitness class, the first time can be a bit of a shock. Here’s a little preview of what you can expect. Mark Wahlberg Is Absolutely Shredded for His New Movie. Here’s How He Does It Respect the Blue Turf At the beginning of class, you’ll all gather on the bright blue track while the two instructors hit the rubber floor to explain and demo the movements you’ll do ...